Hey guys are you able to inform if the shrimp on the plant is pregnant? it has one thing hanging from its stomach possibly eggs? i…

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  1. Too blurry for me to tell, possible I see round spheres under there, if so “berried” is carrying eggs. They don’t eat their offspring. Depending on species, they can survive, or for species that need brackish water, not.

    They likely will be fine, they don’t need any special treatment, they eat biofilm which may be lacking in the bucket, but no time to change that circumstance and there’s likely plenty there.

  2. The shrimp will hold the eggs until they are ready to hatch. She’ll have the eggs for a few weeks, so you may be able to get her into the tank before they are actually ready to hatch.

  3. Hey, that bucket looks like it’s got some shrimp waste in it. Make sure to do some water changes on the bucket while you wait for the tank, taking care to temperature match the new water to the bucket. Since they are in the bucket with no cycle started, that shrimp waste will turn into ammonia and shrimp are a lot more sensitive than fish, especially with that small of an amount of water. Just would hate to see you lose some while you wait.

  4. I’ve never kept shrimp before so I don’t know anything about them. They’re gonna go into a planted 80litre/20 gallon tank soon. Also what kind of shrimp are these?

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