has anybody else been pinched by their shrimp earlier than?

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  1. Huh, I have to wonder, are you typically more sensitive to touch sensations? I had to double take what kind of shrimp were in your tank for you to describe it like that because I was expecting bigger/more aggressive critters like macro shrimp or crayfish.

    I ask because mine are generally curious when I’m in their tanks and will pick at my hand after a few minutes if I’m moving slow. Doesn’t hurt, more of a tickle poke sensation that makes me go “are you guys eating me again?” Sometimes I don’t even feel them at first, it’s that gentle.

    Being bothered by my guppies when I’m maintaining their tank is more annoying and nippy.

  2. I love your variety of skrimp! Very pretty, esp the black right next to the bright yellow

  3. Sometimes when I put my hand in my blue velvet shrimp tank, some will swim up to my hand and I can SOMETIMES feel there whiskers on my arm. Never been pinched though!

  4. I have bamboo shrimp so they can’t really pinch me but my crayfish gets very angry if I put my hand too close to his cave without bringing an offering of food. He pinches very hard so I only ever go near it to bring him his meal.

  5. New fear unlocked! And here I was about to start my new hobby….

  6. Yes, but only by the absolute biggest ones, and if they hadn’t eaten for a day or two.

  7. Yep, my amanos will hop on my hand and it really pinches!

  8. Normally it just tickles a bit.

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