Ghost shrimp hatchlings (may use recommendation)

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  1. Do you have any plants in the tank? Nitrogenous animal waste is plant & bacteria food. Turn up the light, grow a little greenery (even algae uses up some nutrients) and let the life cycle (and nitrogen cycle) do it’s thing.

    Add more pure water, but slowly. The solution to pollution is dilution.

    Is your ammonia really all that high? How high is high? How do you know?

    Ghost shrimp, in a tank by themselves, need to be really overcrowded to make much in the way of ammonia. You can have 10 adult shrimp per gallon before they make noticeable levels of waste. What are you doing for filtration? How long has this tank been cycling? There are so many considerations to be able to give you a good answer.

    Don’t overfeed. Too much ammonia is usually due to more food than they need. Back off feeding a bit. Maybe 1/2 or even 1/4 as much food while your levels are high. Babies do need very small food, like infusoria, spirulina, or egg yolk… But a little goes a long way.

    Sorry these thoughts are all over the place. I’m just trying to hit points you may not have considered, and assuming that your level of knowledge is still pretty novice, based on the question you asked and the limited information that you provided along with it. If my assumption is wrong, please pardon. No disrespect intended.

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