for the time being my pH is at 8.5, i’m considering of including cherry shrimp as soon as the tanks cycled. i’m assuming 8.5 is just too excessive…

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  1. Need to figure out why. Does your water come from a softeneing unit?

  2. Co2 would be an Option and your plants benefit from it

  3. Could it be that the stones are leeching?
    What’s the ph of your tap water?

    Also leaves would be beneficial a food source.
    Btw Neocaridina can tolerate a oh of 8.5 as long as it’s stable and ideally they’d been sourced from someone with similar parameters to yours.
    But 7-8 would be better

  4. I think 8.5 would create problems with their molt. Buce plants sells media that helps lower pH. They have three actually one that lowers pH one that raises pH and one that is neutral. I think it’s called neomedia. The one that I use is Neo Pure or neo-media pure. My pH is about 8.2 when it’s high in the winter usually. So I got the one that was for neutral and after about 2 months it lowered the pH to if not seven maybe 7.2. That would be fine for Neos. But they really do like Catalpa leaves because it allows biofilm that they can graze on. I understand if you don’t like it but the company called tannin has pods that actually last longer than leaves so you might find something interesting there. You could actually use both they’re not going to drastically lower the pH you’re starting off so high that that wouldn’t happen.

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