For everybody on right here saying they killed their shrimp…

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  1. I’m guilty too 🙁

    While netting out some shrimp last night I discovered 2 micro-shrimplets (personal term, the ones that are less than 5mm) wiggling in the net after I had set the net down and walked away for 10min. Thankfully they went back into their tank just fine, but there’s always the chance a 3rd somehow got in and ended up on the floor :/ and Ill never know. Shrimp keeping can be tough, even when you’re extremely careful and try to do everything right.

  2. It happens I’ve accidentally killed a few shrimplets netting mosquito larvae, they are so hard to see when they’re tiny.

  3. Took me a day to catch all the shrimp in my last tank.

    Took me the day after to catch all the babies I missed. I then emptied my aquasoil into a bucket.

    It then took me the day after that to catch all the babies in the bucket I apparently missed.

    Even then, i’m sure I missed a few. It happens. They are small creatures that are great at hiding.

  4. The less mess with them the better.

  5. I’ll be rehoming my shrimpo friends in a few weeks (if all goes well cycling my new tank). I feel like it is all but inevitable that I will lose some of my colony in the transition. While the phrase “the ends justify the means” is dangerous territory, just think of how much lower the survival rate would be in the wild. I fully understand this is different, but ultimately, you were trying to improve their environment. You likely succeeded, and this loss will result in happier shrimp friends overall, that breed back up to fill their space. I know it sucks now, but they will keep on shrimpin’. You are not a bad person for making a mistake with good intentions.

  6. I just started getting into shrimp and I LOVE this hobby a lot so far

    But yeah when a shrimp dies, especially when it was my fault, my heart aches. These little creatures are under my care. I’m still learning and the pain is fresh. There was a couple days I felt so bad that I wanted to just give up.

    This sub helped me out a lot 🙂 and posts like this that remind us that it happens

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