Fauna for 7gallon tank with shrimp?

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  1. I love pygmy corys. Rasboras are good. I think cpd might predate on your shrimps a bit too much.

  2. A giant school of Chili Rasboras would be dope. CPDs are cool too. With both species, you have to make sure you get enough that they feel comfortable in the open water (the same is true with the Emeralds you mentioned).

    Since the mass of Rasboras is much smaller than CPDs, you’ll be able to get more of them in your tank (don’t need to follow the 1 inch per gallon rule).

  3. Great job on the aquascape! It looks amazing – definitely adds a great sense of scale!

    I agree with the other poster on pygmy corys – they would complement the tank and sit on those long pieces of driftwood.

  4. Scarlet badis. Got lucky my lfs had some. Not great with shrimps if they tank is under 29 gallons.

  5. lol I have fauna but need to add hardscape

  6. Awesome scape.

  7. a betta fish would look great in that tank. but they will eat the shrimps.

  8. I have chili rasboras and ottos and zero issues with the shrimpies

  9. Honey Gourami? Interesting and shrimp safe, though might like a few tank mates.

  10. I love my emerald rasboras

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