  1. That really depends on what you’re trying to accomplish with your tank. In my 9g, it’s brimming with shrimps and I do feed at least twice a week and I’m top of water changes. In my nano cull 3g, I rarely feed while leaving it full of green algae on the two walls. It also gets the most light. In my 20g, it’s plant-centric and my shrimp population is low with only occasional feeding. I also do big water changes to keep nitrates close to 0 for my red plants. Not great for shrimp baby mortality.

  2. I crank up the light in my dirted/planted 20gal. Creates extra algae growth on top of biofilm, the occasional dead snail, and decaying plants.

    Every once in a while I throw in a pinch of pellets to promote crustacean health….forget what its called.

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