Discovered my vampire shrimp lifeless, what’s on his head?

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  1. He’s just starting to rot. Shrimp flesh turns pink very quickly after death.

  2. Imo looks like failed molt then turning pink from rotting. I didn’t know about he pink thing at first and got an order of blue dreams with one DOA. The dead one was pink and I was super confused thinking a pink/red shrimp got in by mistake. But sure enough, even blue ones turn pink when they die

  3. I think it’s a failed molt but idk

  4. Shrimps digestive enzymes are digesting their own body after death. Hence the pink color. That’s also why frozen shrimp got their head chopped off.

  5. It’s a coin for the ferryman. Sorry for your loss friend.

  6. RIP

    those things are so cool

  7. Who are the tank mates? And what’re your water conditions/temp and how often does it eat? Do you have a hiding place for her?

  8. That’s a Metroid. You’re going to need to turn into a ball and check your air ducts for a Mother Brain.

  9. I’d give it some more time.

  10. So sorry for your loss 🙁 I will be holding mine closer tonight and keeping you in my thoughts

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