  1. Daphnia molt throughout their lifecycle just like shrimp, so there will be a lot of that detritus on the bottom of any container you’ve got them in. You can clean that out like you would any bottom detritus, e.g. vacuum tube thingies, or a big turkey baster.

    I would try to remove as many of the daphnia from the shrimp tank and put them in their own bucket per your original idea. I’ve heard of some people keeping daphnia in tanks with shrimp and/or other livestock.

    I’m not sure how they do it, because in my experience you’ve got to keep the daphnia food constantly suspended/circulating throughout the water column, be it green water, yeast, egg yolk, whatever else. And most of these foods really feed bacteria and that’s what the daphnia end up eating. And you want to raise daphnia in a tank without a filter because the filter will “eat” the daphnia’s food, which is counter-productive.

    Also, the daphnia cultures are pretty delicate, especially when you’re first starting out. It’s easy to over feed and quickly lose the whole thing due to a bacterial bloom that chokes out all the oxygen. Or if you go away for a long weekend they starve to death. Anyway good luck with whatever you chose to do.

  2. I wonder if a gravel vacuum would work.
    Would be so satisfying too

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