Conflicting information on cherry shrimp on-line. Want some assist caring for them.

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  1. To be safe I would just use distilled water remineralized with SaltyShrimp it has all the correct minerals

  2. They are very hardy shrimp for the most part. Neocaridinas.

    Hard to judge tap ppm.
    Better to go by hardness (gH), shoot for a minimum gH of 5 i would say.
    Tbh nowadays I do remineralize up to 225 ppm tds, but ive been working with my tap for years now.

    I only RO for caridinas

    Cherry shrimp can tolerate 6-8 pH but I would shoot for 6 5-7.5 pH.

    Temps i would shoot for mid 70s. Usually cooler is better.

  3. My water has ph of 7.5-7.8. They are pretty happy with it. Cannot say about low ph though.

  4. From my experience and my general time reading others exoerience in this field, it seems a really key thing is STABILITY of water parameters. Neos don’t like change very much, and especially not quick change.

    Other than that proviso, neos are fairly forgiving provided you keep within a fairly wide range of parameters. Having enough, but not too much calcium (gH) is possibly the easiest one to get wrong. TDS readings are often a good general indication of calcium hardness, but not always. Know your tap water is key (if you are using tap water, or part tap water). I use part RO, part tap water and I only measure TDS – However, I know my tap water, and I know most of the TDS is Calcium, so neo colonies are really happy at 100ppm TDS, so long as much of it is calcium.

    pH – anywhere from 6 to 8.2 seems fine, although the middle range being optimum. Temperature – again a huge range is fine, but a cool to warm room temperature being optimum.

    It looks like your tap water is very very soft, so you can treat it much like RO, and simply add remineraliser to get a gH of around 5. If you want to get gH and kH test kits fine, then you can be more precise with everything but IME that is not necessary .

    Remember your tap water is probably lacking in many minerals, not just Calcium, so just adding Calcium is not enough for long term health of the neos. Personally I would get proper neo shrimp water remeraliser and add to your tap water , aiming for a gH of 4-5 to start with. You may have to tweak it but thats a good start. Once you get a good working system, simply try not to change anything that affects water params.

  5. Might I say your tank set up looks great

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