can this work as a wasteland shrimp tank for my sister ?

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  1. Would make a bad ass jararrium. But too small for shrimp

  2. I now realize you meant Walstad and am deeply disappointed your sister doesn’t want a post-apocalyptic shrimp tank.

  3. Too small like you said. Could be a good water planter.

  4. You could maybe put brine shrimp (think sea monkeys or aqua dragons) in there! But that’s about it.

  5. I really wish I could remember the reason why but I remember hearing people having a lot of issues using these as fish tanks. Probably best to keep it for succulents/fake plants

  6. Would be a good scrotum holder for yours or anyone else’s scrotum. These scrote tanks have really gotten popular recently

  7. too small for shrimps or snails, just put aqua soil and a few plants like anubias nana and java moss

  8. Maybe a couple small moss balls

  9. Teeny tiny.
    Copepods, scuds, ostracades. Might be fun to watch.
    I saw a bigger one of these in Florida. Almost bought it.

  10. i want to find who or what inspired the trend of micro walstad tanks and push them off a cliff cause honestly 3 seconds of research should make someone understand that this is ridiculous

  11. Maybe just a tiny plant tank? 

  12. You could try sea monkeys? Or there may be a triops species that can be in this small of a container. I think fairy shrimp are also a thing? Id look towards those subs for advice

  13. If you can get her to accept scuds as shrimp you could make it work, but I wouldn’t put actual shrimp in there.

  14. put some rocks in and call it a day, no living creature should be kept in that.

  15. Scuds, not shrimp would work. You can try gravel, water, Hornwort and scuds, in a place with sufficene sun light. If you add food to it, you need to do a water change the next day of roughly ten percent so add it sparingly.

    Have fun and good luck.

  16. Could be a scud tank! Love those little guys

  17. yea the way they word stuff is crazy “recharge” and “several years” to describe lifespan

  18. A marimo moss ball could work

  19. put some river water in derr n see what happen

  20. There are smaller options like scuds or other things the comments have mentioned. I think people underestimate how beautiful tiny water gardens can be. You don’t need livestock to enjoy your enclosure.

    I think you can put some small pest snails in it tho. If the population increases just crush and feed them to your other tank

  21. FYSA – I think the current reddit trend is a cat paw for scale, not half a sleeve of Rittz crackers. Lol

  22. Brine shrimp and scuds. Cool sea monkey ecosphere

  23. Moss ball!

  24. I mean I guess you could put rice shrimp inside which are kind of like daphnia, but ultimately it’s way too small for any shimp

  25. people keep ‘opae’ula in really small environments. virtually 0 maintenance

  26. It may be too small for normal neocaridina shrimp, but it’s not for opae ula shrimp 🙂

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