Can anybody ID this fish, I used to be given two of them as a result of they had been consuming shrimp and snails. Thanks

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  1. Weather loach aka Dojo loach.

  2. dojo loach eat snails?

    did they vacuum up some baby ones by accident or do they actually hunt? do they peck at the fleshy bits of larger snails?

  3. dojo loach. i have 4 golden babies theyre super fun to feed and if i put my hand out sometimes they lay in it

  4. Given two dojos??.. Lucky…

  5. As others have said, definitely a dojo loach. They have huge personalities, my favourite fish 🙂

  6. Looks like a Dojo Loach to me.

  7. That’s a hot dog.

  8. You’re in for such a treat. Dojos are the derpiest fish ever.

  9. Thats a Dojo loaches. They get huge! And eat EVERYTHING. We have no snails or excess food problems because they will eat everything. They took out a colony of roughly 60 shrimp when they got big enough to eat them all.

  10. Weatherloach, beautiful loaches, full of personality.

    I have two of them and they are very friendly towards me and they always let me know when it’s feeding time by running up and down the tank quickly to get my attention.

  11. It’s a dojo loach. Be careful because they have a tendency to jump out of tanks. Make sure the top is covered or you’ll be frantically trying to pick them up off of your floor at some point, or finding dried out loach bodies if you’re not around when they leap out.

  12. Noodle with tail

  13. My dojo loach is just about 10″ and gets along fine with my Amona, skittle, and glass shrimp as well as 4 Nerite and 1 elephant snail. Guess it depends on the personality of the fish. Trust me they really do have a cool personality. My guy likes to be hand fed and pet.

  14. These things are super fun little noodles to watch, BUT they get bigger than you would think. And the one I had would rescape my tank once a day.

  15. Maybe that’s why my snails ended dead. Bought 3 left over with 2 returned to the store with the dead one got 4 back for it. And now I only have 1 tiny snail left.
    Kuhli loaches btw.

  16. It’s a loach.

  17. FYI if it is a dojo loach, they will get big! They can be in a 20g when small but when they get bigger they’ll need to be moved into a 55+. Make sure your tank has a lid!

  18. Dojo loach, I’ve got a big one named Charlie myself, he is in a tank with a school of tiger barbs and a Chinese algae eater, heavily planted with river rocks instead of gravel and he seems real happy. If you give them room they will get big VERY fast, I feed mine shrimp wafers. Good luck OP! They are super awesome fish! I’m betting that I could get Charlie to eat from my hand eventually, mine is very active and social.

  19. 11” adults. How big is your tank? I have one, he is fun.

  20. Definitely a loach, possibly a Kuhli Loach, not sure.

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