By chance starved my shrimp, so they have been chowing down on the anubias

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  1. I feed mine a lot. Maybe toss them some goodies every so often. I didn’t know they’d eat anubias!

  2. it’s melting and they just taking care of it. it’s really hard to literally starve shrimp in planted tank

  3. It’s very likely that your shrimp aren’t eating it, it’s just melting away. Neos are known to avoid even some hair algae’s just because they’re a little too tough, I doubt an Anubias is an exception. I’d consider looking into what’s causing it, often a lack of iron in the water can cause melt.

  4. I don’t specifically feed my shrimp 🤷‍♀️ granted, I’m down to 5

  5. Oh no… I saw the same damage on one of my anubias and I assumed the leaf had died and the amanos just munched on it. I feed mine every 2 days but I’m starting to think it’s not enough in this one particular tank. I have to feed them at night because my fish will eat the shrimp king color granules. The fish, apart from the otocinclus, won’t touch the lollies, shrimp king complete or repashy soilent green.

    That 15 gallon has 2 enormous white amanos (about 2”) and 3 normal sized ones (1.5”) that were about half that size when I got them.

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