Blue Cherry Shrimp thriving with no water modifications

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  1. I do a water change MYABE once a year lol But I also have plenty of plants.

  2. It’s probably because you’ve got it set up as a paludarium, the plants above water pull a ton of nitrates and such out of the water so the shrimp are chilling. It’s the same with heavily planted tanks too, once you’ve a tank really well planted you need to water change less and less tbh.

  3. Honestly my planted tanks get almost zero water changes a year. I’ve had more success in those set ups with different neos and caridinias then my normal breeder racks that get weekly 20% water changes. It’s all about balance and with a mature even minimally planted tank a lot of times that balance is pretty easy for the tank itself to maintain. Obviously that’s not advice I would ever give a beginner but plenty of experienced hobbyists are very successful doing it this way.

  4. Blue Cherry Shrimp thriving with no water changes

  5. What benefit do clay balls have?

  6. It can be done, but you definitely want a lot of live plants and good flow.

  7. I bought 20 shrimp a mix of blues yellows and reds. All came in super alive but small. Everything went great for a week then one a day started dying for a week. Then for another week nobody died and I thought I was in the clear. Then slowly all have died except 1 blue shrimp he has been going like 3 months? I am so confused I don’t know if this shrimp is just some magical super shrimp or if all the others were shit. I bought them off amazon cheap. I figured I would at least have 5 survive. I am so disappointed I really wanted shrimp. Aquarium had been up and running for 3 years it just gets crazy algae I am pretty sure it gets too much sunlight. not really anywhere better to put it. Anyway glad your having luck with them.

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