  1. I had no idea they feed like that, I love it. Like they are offering hugs to all the world

  2. I want bamboos so bad! I saw them years back, they were beautiful, like a high grade jade shrimp but huge and with beautiful fans.
    I’m pretty sure that they need a lot of flow, which is the only reason I dont have them

  3. I had one named Mr.featherbottom, which jumped out of the tank and crawled through my bedroom to the bathroom. I was devastated when I found him. I now have a younger one, and he’s getting bigger, but I still miss my featherbottom. I now have a lid.

  4. It’s fun watching one hang onto the outlet of my canister filter 😂

  5. i’ve had mine for about 2 years!! love him to death

  6. They are huge Creed fans

  7. I had 2 for a year they don’t live very long unfortunately

  8. Love my bamboo’s

    I also love my vampire shrimps (aka blue wood shrimp)!

  9. How do you keep them feed tho?

  10. Had one for about 4 months then it just decided it didn’t feel like living anymore 🙁

  11. I wish i had 4 arms to feed me at once!

  12. Shrimp claws go brrrrrrrrrrrrr…..

  13. Why they fan is how they eat ?

  14. I picked up a couple a few months back and they have quickly become a favorite. I have a lid-less setup with emerced plants and occasionally I’ll catch one of the shrimp near the surface skimming the biofilm. At least until they see me above then they dart into the roots or under the floaters. They don’t seem to mind me watching from any other angle.

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