Amano Shrimp destroying crops: alternanthera reineckii and mini

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  1. you cant Amanos love this plant they destroyed mine so I moved them to another then I got pinnochio shrimp which also ate it lol Ive replanted a little nub to see if I can save it , either remove the plant grow in a jar if you dont have other tanks or say goodbye to it .

  2. Your plant has a deficiency and she’s just eating the weakest parts. What do you use for fertilizers, light and co2?

  3. Yeaaah, this is one of those things with amanos that nobody really seems to mention… its always, always A. Reineckii too, there’s something about it specifically that amanos just love to monch, even if it seems perfectly healthy. Mine have really done a number on my AR and a little bit on some of my buce… its super annoying but, there’s not much you can do about it unfortunately v.v

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