  1. Get skrimped

  2. Dude woke up and decided to be a bullet

  3. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer noodle 🙁

  4. 😂😂😂😂😂 man

  5. Take that mo&$+$er!

    That shrimp will lead the revolution one day.

  6. Post of the year

  7. Rude!!

  8. That’s funnier than it should be lmao

  9. Shrimp used quick attack!!!!

  10. Too lazy to insert but a Nelson (from Simpson’s) gif here is what comes to mind.

    “HA-HA” -Nelson

  11. But why is this so funny 🤣🤣

  12. Wow, how did you get this on camera?

  13. Fire and blood!

  14. Pow, right into the kisser!

  15. Substrate isn’t ideal for Kuhlis. If you spot any lesions, you should think about switching it.

  16. I’ve heard people say loaches eat shrimp but yours seem to be fine. I’ve been wanting to get some but have been worried about them eating my cherry shrimp. Does anyone know if it will be fine or does it just depend? Btw my cherry shrimp are super tiny.

  17. Imagine waking up and gitting a shrimp shot at you.

  18. Shrimp can be assholes. Saw one of my cherry shrimp swim up next to one of my snails and flick the snail off the glass.

  19. 😅😂

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