  1. A specific species of shrimp.
    EDIT: heteropoda is a synonym for n. Davidii (cherry SHRAMP)

  2. Interesting that this paper contradicts the result of that other often cited one. I wonder what led to these differences

  3. I think it’s worth pointing out they only did a 90 day study. I know I linked the google scholar stuff, but reading papers and trying to suss out useful vs factual info is work. Skimming the sub in the past few days I think it could be noted that higher temps correlate to faster mortality. So with the quote, what is the intent or goal? One of the more interesting uses of science papers is synthesis, ie. compiling together several papers while being critical of the contents to understand the collective topic more deeply. The title of this post could be more specific, lest folks assume it’s true if they want longevity for their shrimp without fully reading the quote and understanding what it implies.

    Edit to add: weird they didn’t even test room temp (21 C) as an option…

    Edit 2: they actually reference another paper that did testing at lower temps, *of a different species* and linked the two together. They even note this shortcoming that they didn’t evaluate lower temps. Neither did they actually find an optimum temp (testing 3 temperatures of 24/28/32 hardly means 28 is optimal, just the best one from their tests). Something to consider before implementation.

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