No value add here, I’m just congratulating you on a stable shrimp tank! It’s not easy but seems like less is more with shrimpies….fewer water changes and filter cleanings (compare to fishies) is the way to go. May your colony continue to grow!
What is your java moss on currently? If it is already on a tree like stump, clean it up a little so the moss stays out of the substrate (giving other plants a chance to carpet!). If not, find a fancy tree like stump (or branched cholla, the shrimp would love that!), tie the moss on in a tree shape and trim every so often to keep it out of the substrate.
If you are looking for new plants to add, my shrimp hang out most on hornwort, limnophila heterophylla, and floaters with long roots. One of the mini amazon swords would also add some leaf shape/color contrast to your tank.
No value add here, I’m just congratulating you on a stable shrimp tank! It’s not easy but seems like less is more with shrimpies….fewer water changes and filter cleanings (compare to fishies) is the way to go. May your colony continue to grow!
What did it take? I’m wondering because I have a 5 and 10 gallon (heavily planted) tanks.
What is your java moss on currently? If it is already on a tree like stump, clean it up a little so the moss stays out of the substrate (giving other plants a chance to carpet!). If not, find a fancy tree like stump (or branched cholla, the shrimp would love that!), tie the moss on in a tree shape and trim every so often to keep it out of the substrate.
If you are looking for new plants to add, my shrimp hang out most on hornwort, limnophila heterophylla, and floaters with long roots. One of the mini amazon swords would also add some leaf shape/color contrast to your tank.
Congrats and keep up the good work!
I really like dwarf hair grass