How might I make my filter shrimp pleasant?

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  1. Put a pre-filter sponge over it.

  2. I have the 75 gallon version of this filter. Couple things I’ve done. Both worked.

    Substrate bag sold on Amazon. Wrap it around filter and tie it up with something. Works well but aesthetically awful (they sell in black).

    Buy a massive sponge filter that goes in a canister filter with a hole wide enough to go on that filter and then you can have down the filter sponge so it doesn’t take over the entire tank with its size. Way more costly but a better long term fix.

  3. Sponge or foam over it. Easy peasy

  4. I put a filter bag over the intake it works perfectly fine

  5. A sponge on the intake filter is not going to remove the tannins from the Black water.

  6. Get a sponge filter and use that instead?

  7. could’ve found the answer on your own with one google of your exact title instead of relying on other people to answer your question for you.


  8. There is a sponge that goes over it for aquariums. Comes in two. I cut one and used it to slow the filter flow too

  9. Have a larger intake (add holes or something) . Use a mask and a sponge .
    Having a larger intake would reduce the suction

  10. Hose/filter on any intake

  11. Buy a cheap pre-filter sponge for the intake or cover the intake with pantyhose and zip-tie it to keep it in place. Sponge is better, but takes up more space.

  12. Sponges are fine but take up a lot if room. Consider some super fine stainless steel mesh.

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