Assist with what that is? Cherry shrimp tank, strikes slowly

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  1. snail leech with babies! glossiphonia spp. they carry their newly-hatched babies around, like koalas!

  2. I dont have a tank but I’m fairly good at phylogeny, so my shot in the dark is this might be a snail leech: [](



  3. I had some leeches – I think a different kind though – and was able to eradicate with “no planaria” which is a shrimp safe betel nut extract. I ordered it online

  4. I have no idea, but I’m *really* interested in finding out. From the pic I thought it was a dead oto or something just from a quick glance and the shape, but it almost looks like it has legs underneath? Or eggs? Hopefully someone else can identify it for you. Is this the first time you’ve seen it?

  5. Hey OP. These are becoming more common in the AUS aquarium plant trade, especially in retail lines ( looking at you Pisces). If it’s a newish tank you can remove the shrimp to another tank and chemically control it, or what I have done in the past is put in a couple of dragonfly larva. They will get hungry and search prey out.

  6. First thought was a scuddy buddy, but that is very wrong now that I look harder

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